Sunday, July 25, 2010


Some time something happens which u never wanted 2 happen in your life...An unexpected thing which make u feel bad or change u completly, it can be in positive sence n negative as wel..Its up 2 us how we take it...becoz things which we never wanted 2 happen in our life and if it happens,then we r broken and try 2 hold it so tht we dont do any thing wrong, bt still feel bad from inside ..may b to show people we may b strong bt some how we dont forget the Unexpected .. I dont knw when we cant forget it..The pain remains the same..In all this, Time is the biggest factor..Now i dont trust time also becoz u can only trust the good work , wtt ever th result may b atleast it keeps u happy becoz u tried and did a good work..I dont knw how much GOD helps us in it..when we dont want something n thn when it happens we say no GOD is there and its vice versa...Bt now i dont belive in any religion, temple and praying.. the all mighty is there .propably he is helping me in wtt I am doing and thts y M able 2 do it..Bt i wont give it full credit, becoz wtt I didnot wanted has already happned. so how can i give him the credit for the good one, which may happen or the work m doing, may be succesful in tht..If u there then make those thing good and happy which realy means a lot 2 me..give me those things if u can..Life is very unpredectable, wtt may happen after i post this blogg i dont i hve a plan bt wil i go as per th plan ...i really dont knw..beocz the So called "GOD" as also made some may b he will impose me 2 walk accordingly and make ma plan a failuer or may b a succesful as wel..

the Unexpected happens when u dont expect it at all.. whne u feel things are ok and going good..thn b ready 2 face the unexpected..becoz thts how life is..the most unexpected and unpredectable..Never break down atleast from inside never it will kill u, the unexpected is a very powerful. it breaks u completly bt learn to fight have balls 2 face the worst..n prove to your self that u could do it and fight with th unexpected..

Just know one thing keep working n keep you self busy..

1 comment:

  1. The BUTTERFLY EFFECT can change the course of life... Good one..
