Friday, March 5, 2010

My Bike....

Its a Very simple topic ..where i wll talk abt my bike. you all must be thinking what so special about this..there is something special about it, bt in my SOUL...When we were kid we very very particular abt certain things like cleaning our cycle, if we dont do our home work it was cool with us, we were nt bothered abt the punishment or the not cleaning the cycle will not give us sleep... The same way when i was in my 1st year of graduation in Raipur.. I told my dad to chnage the current bike i had and buy me a Honda Karizma..he said lets c and we went to showroom, which belongs to my dads friend..when he saw the bike he liked it but as i met with so many accidents before and m only the son..My dad refused to buy 220cc bike, as he thought i will drive more fast and will meet with accident and my dads friend also refused to give me that bike. No issues i was deprsed and sad..but i agreed to my dad a bought the splender plus which had a push start and cool looking bike..with 125cc so i bought that...after a couple off days i forgot about karizma and fall in love with this bike..It was wounderfull bike and was very smouth..

Every morning i used to clean it and then go to college and every sunday i used to give for complet wash.......It was my best pal, with whome i spend much of my time..In between i came to banglore to see my elder sister..while roaming in the street of banglore i saw a sport bike which had a huge tyres..It was sexy and then i thought y not i give my bike a sexy look...I decided and no one could change my desicion ... so went to banglore market where bike stuff were sold... i Saw a Huge tyre for bike..Guys m telling u it was huge the kawasaki eliminator tyres...The shopkeeper asked me for which bike i want a tyre...i told him for my splender plus and the tyre i choose he said it wont be able 2 adjust in th bike i wa disapointing me but still i bought it for 28oo, i bought the rims and tyres for the (back one). I was in love with that tyre and till i reach raipur, i was thinking what and all can be done to make my bike look sexy and the only bike in town... At last i had a design in my mind.

I went a guy who used to modify the bikes as DHOOM movie was in swing...He laughed at me when i told him to put those tyre at the back of my bike..he said it was nt possible for my bike ..i told him clearly that i hve bought this for my bike and wil do it...So i just told him 2 try and you knw people he was a sucessful...he thanked me instead of i shud do it..Then i changed the front tyre and the handel and the petrol tank as wel... I had put a sport handel and a petrol tank of Pulsur.. and remote to lock the bike....It was crazy ...i was like surprised that i made it what i wanted last i was so happy by seeing and riding my bike.. It was the only one bike in the town which could attract every induvidual it passes by.... Got so many complements...My dad was surprised by seeing it and even he loved it....I spend all th money in my bike ..Instead of asking my dad extra for it ..It was very close to me and had tht bike for 3years.. I was mature enough now..So when i sold that bike i was happy that wil buy another good truely speaking guys the happiness that bike gave me, not even my car does now.. I felt so sad that y I sold it ..I could have, have it forever.....It remindes me of so manythings i dont hve it now...

Some times we sell or dont value the most presious things of our life..which is very closed to us...

Or may be after we loose it we understand its value.....!!!!!!!!


  1. Bhai u r sooo sweet... A very sensitive Blog...
    I liked it...

  2. so the phase from toy to cycle to bike to car...great journey dude.

    hope these all have given you a great mileage of happiness ...

  3. yup Arvind! i agree with u totally. Nothin like our first love. Even my first bike can't be replaced by any new 1.

    Heart-touching article! Awsum!
