Tuesday, February 22, 2011

S!lent Sm!le...!!!

Its a Simple Smile on Some ones Face, Which Makes us Smile,
Its a smile of A Kid, Which makes whole Family Smile,
Its a Smile, Which Cools Us down,
Its Nt a gift, Its a smile after giving the gift makes Us smile,
Its a S!lent Sm!le, When we r not 2gether n still Smile,
Its a Silent Smile, which I carry always with me ,
I cant smile though I smile,
Though I smile , Cant show it,
I show it, Though Its a silent Smile,
Its a S!lent Smile ,which Kills me and pians me ,
A smile which i Carry though, It pinches me ,
It hurts me always , when ever I smile,
A S!lent Sm!le, A S!lent Sm!le...